The Melbourne SOFiA Group has monthly lecture/discussions, mostly at 4pm (NZ time) on Saturdays.
25 Feb. – “The Soul of the Machines? The Current State of Advanced Artificial Intelligence.” – Lev Lafayette.
25 March – “From Physics to Metaphysics: A New Way.” – Dr. Stephen Ames.
Please contact David Miller – for each month’s Zoom link. 
Under Shirley’s Spell: Researching the Life and Work of Shirley Erena Murray Covering discoveries made as the writer makes contact with those who have known and loved the hymns of Shirley, and those who have composed tunes for her words, both within Aotearoa and overseas.
Presenter: Anne Manchester, former journalist
Date:  Saturday 4 March
Time: 7 pm followed by light supper
Venue: St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Church St, Palmerston North (close to the City Square)
90 minutes in length, including 26 Powerpoint visuals
Donations towards costs are appreciated
(Enquiries: John Thornley  email




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