How To Join SOFIA
You can join by paying an annual subscription of $20 per person if within New Zealand. The electronic newsletter is free to members but if you would prefer to receive the Newsletter in printed form (within New Zealand) then this is an additional $30 to your $20 subscription totaling $50 all up. Our bank account is at KiwiBank 38 9000 0807809 00. Include your Initial & Name and sub in the reference fields.
You will receive six Newsletters each year.
Local Groups
You may also wish to join a Local Group for regular face-to-face discussion meetings. Refer here for further details.
Although it is not necessary for you to be a member of the national organisation in order to be a member of a Local Group, we strongly advise it, both for the health of the national organisation and for the advantages listed above. Preference is given to those with national membership for places as national Conferences. Locla Group contaces are listed on the
Contact page.