Where have all the Christians Gone? (And What Should We Tell Our Children?)
Allan Yeoman, 1995. (Available, postfree, from the author, PO Box 139, Kati Kati, for $14.95)
Reviewed by Lloyd Geering, SOF NZ Newsletter #14, December 1995
It is encouraging to see a member of the SOFN addressing a similar topic in New Zealand. Describing himself as a returned serviceman and farmer, with a long-standing involvement with the Presbyterian Church, Allan Yeoman, at his own expense, has written and published an excellent little booklet of 48 pages, in which he analyses what he sees happening in church life in New Zealand. Allan makes no claim to present any original religious ideas and openly draws on such people as Spong and Cupitt, yet he clearly presents the honest questions and concerns which need to be faced within the church, if it is to remain in touch with the community at large. Like Cameron, Yeoman has observed how "some fundamentalists ... have set out to take over the structures of the established churches", leaving many people grieving for the loss of the the more open church they once knew.