Re-laying the Foundations

Re-laying the Foundations by Rinny Westra, ColcomPress, 1998.

Reviewed by Lloyd Geering in SOFN Newsletter #27.

Rinny Westra, a member of the SOFN and minister, until recently, of the Presbyterian church at Devonport, has here collected together the material he has prepared for study groups and preaching over the last four years. Published sermons are notoriously unreadable. What makes this material unusual is that it assumes two premises: the collapse of Christendom and the collapse of theism (the belief in God as an all-powerful and loving metaphysical Being). What is today’s preacher to say?
The author first looks through the rubble of shattered Christendom to see what there is to be salvaged. The Westminster Shorter Catechism so beloved by Presbyterians in the past he then rewrites to make it relevant to the current religious situation.
The main body of the 280 pages is devoted to short sermons which cover the whole Bible, 59 from Genesis to Malachi, 3 on Easter and 31 on the New Testament.
Lloyd Geering



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