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Other papers
A Bad Boy in perspective
- Norman Maclean, 2020
All You Need Is Love
Don - Cupitt 1994
Alternative Vision Strategy
- Alan Webster
Axial Period, The
- Lloyd Geering 1999
Call For a New Reformation, A
- John Spong, 1998
Catechesis on Homosexuality, A
- Spong and Lee 1998
Christianity in Transition
- Darryl Milner 2002
Christianity Minus Theism
- Lloyd Geering 2000
Could a Humanist Ever Frolic In The Sea of Faith?
- Noel Cheer 2006
Creating Community for those who don't want to belong
- Rosemary Neave, 2001
Creed of a Radical, The
- Alan Goss 1999
Current Mythologies Driving Western Culture
- Ian Crumpton 2007
From Religious Doctrine to Religious Existence
- Don Cupitt 1997
Gender, Fear-Inspiring Beliefs and Church Attendance
- Webster & Perry (2003)
Geering on Thiering
- Lloyd Geering 1996
Humour as a Catalyst in Religious Experience
- Tony Sutton 2001
In The Beginning - Sin
- Fred Marshall 2006
Is it possible to construct a form of Religious Education for Schools that Sea of Faith Networkers Would be happy about?
- Jean Holm
Jesus The Bastard
- Fred Marshall
The Life of Jesus
- Jock Crawford
Medieval and Modern Evils
- Peter Donovan 2002
Mystery of Paradox, The
- Joy Cowley 2000
One Foot In The Grave
- Don Cupitt 1993
Radical Vision Implications
- Alan Webster
Religion as a Human Creation?
- John Spong 1995
Religion, Knowledge, the Human Condition, and Ethical Challenges
- John Maindonald 2005
Seven Radical Alternative Theologians
- Alan Webster
Report on the Execution of a Galilean Terrorist
- Archie Thomson
Spirituality, Old and New
- Don Cupitt 1998
Where To After The Gods Have Gone?
- Fred Marshall 2006
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